Mr Brian Moran


Brian is process consultant who specialises in designing innovative experiential learning programs in workplace training. He works inside organisations in the areas of business ethics, leadership, culture and values.This extends to DVD based programs, e Learning programs and resource packag-es for leader-led ethics and values programs. At the core of these training programs are dilemmas and case studies written around the client’s lived experience. The programs are experiential in nature, draw on adult learning principles and are highly interactive and engaging.

An experienced facilitator, Brian has applied these skills to strategic planning programs for a number of government departments and agencies, not-for-profit and large corporations. and is a regular speaker on business ethics, leadership and sustainability at industry conferences. He has written several articles on leadership and culture and is co-author of 3D Ethics — Implementing Workplace Values, selected as one of the top 101 business books by Australian Financial Review Boss Magazine

  • Areas of Specialisation

    • qualified and highly experienced facilitator
    • specialist in designing experiential programs
    • strategic planner and thinker
    • industrial story writer and DVD producer
    • values specialist
  • Experience Highlights

    • Development of a number of experiential learning programs for government and corporate clients in the health, finance and FMCG sectors.
    • Principal writer and designer of major ethics and values training programs for public sector employees and executives in 3 states. These included developing intranet learning programs, DVD based materials, self-directed workbooks and facilitator’s guides.
    • Design and roll out of ethics and values training programs for public sector energy and resource corporations
    • Principal facilitator in major ethics training program for Federal Agency in the financial area.
    • Facilitation of strategic planning and cultural change programs for a number of executive groups in the health sector, both public and private in both rural and metropolitan areas.
    • Facilitation of governance review with national board and executive of Australia’s largest faith-based hospital group.

    Brian has lectured in Sustainable Enterprise (Bachelor of Business) and Managing for Sustainability (MBA) at University of Technology, Sydney and in Managing for Small Business at Sydney University (Masters of Commerce). He holds a Masters in Social Ecology

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